Catriona Ward, the author, says in the interview at the back of the book that she came up with the main idea and then just sort of started adding in more characters to fill out the story. You can tell. There are some genuinely creepy bits but then the story pulls you away from that tension to talk about British women drinking tea for three pages. The narrative is wild, spanning 80 years, 7 (and a half) character POVs and as many writing styles. Sometimes a chapter is a letter, sometimes it’s a diary entry, sometimes it’s two tertiary characters discussing things that happened to characters that are related to characters we actually care about. I tried to summarise it. I couldn’t. Instead I have visualised the chaos below. I made a timeline of the actual order of events. The arrows are how the author chose to convey them. The wibbly lines kind of happen outside of chronological time. Click for story points. Spoilers ahead.
If you’re mad enough to follow the arrows, don’t get distracted by the wibbly lines. Just follow the arrows and if at any point you get frustrated or confused, that was my experience reading the book. You’re welcome.
Iris Villarca – Kid raised in isolation by an obsessive father. Never stood a chance.
Charles Danforth – Queer representation! Hates himself. Not great representation.
Tom Gilmore – Iris’ beau. No real characterisation beyond ‘lives nearby’. Ah, young love.
Meg Danforth – Charles’ sister. Brutalised woman. Kickass witch. Deserved better.
Mary Hopewell – Beautiful and dying. Kind of a bitch.
Reverend Comer – Loves Mary. Used entirely for exposition.
Post asylum Iris – Truly tragic character. Hates everything. Love her.
Frank – I’m sorry, who? Introduced on page 313 of 352. He doesn’t even go here.
Mary Hopewell goes to live with her cousin
Mary rudely doesn’t die of consumption
Mary is sent to Italy with Miss Brigstocke. Hopefully she’ll die there.
Mary meets Reverend Comer
Reverend Comer gets heatstroke on an excursion. Mary flags down William Shakes who takes them back to his master’s house
Mary meets Don Villarca. He’s evil but handsome. Whatever will Mary do?
Reverend Comer tries to propose to Mary but Miss Brigstocke thinks not
Mary’s mum’s ring is missing. It must be at the evil handsome man’s villa!
Don Villarca visits Mary. Fun icebreakers: He was abused as a kid and the only thing she really cares about is Rawblood, her childhood home
Don Villarca is evil and handsome at Mary and she is so into it. He says he’ll come round
Miss Brigstocke sends Don Villarca away, saying Mary will die if she marries. Mary thinks he ghosted
Don Villarca is back. He asks Mary to marry him. The Villarcas are cursed, the Hopewells are also cursed. He bought Rawblood for Mary. They learn each other’s first names. She agrees to marry him
Leopoldo Villarca tells Mary about Miss Brigstocke being a bit sketchy
Miss Brigstocke finds out Mary lied about the ring being missing to lure in Leopoldo. Be more desperate, Mary…
Miss Brigstocke tells Mary she’s seen her future and this marriage ends in death for generations
Mary and Leopoldo get married
Mary gives birth to Alonso
Mary sees the ghost when out on the moor with Alonso. She goes a bit mad
Leopoldo disappears. He’s found dead in a bog with his eyes clawed out
Mary burns her own eyes out with a poker and dies. Such a metal ending for such a basic bitch
Reverend Comer has a conversation with a down-on-her-luck Miss Brigstocke
Brigstocke blackmails Comer to hide his association with the Villarca drama. You go, Brigstocke, get that cottage in Scotland
Charles Danforth meets Alonso Villarca. Alonso is so handsome and enigmatic
Charles and Alonso set up a lab in their home to do blood experiments
Charles and Alonso are degenerately in love. Charles is an insecure little bitch and thinks the only way to keep Alonso is to ruin him
Charles and Alonso agree to a 50 day experiment, testing medication on each other. Alonso microdoses Charles with arsenic to test immunity. Charles gives Alonso a life-long opium addiction. Get therapy, Charles!
Alonso leaves their home and med school
Meg Danforth stops sending Charles letters because he never replies. She’s being beaten by Mr Bantry, her guardian. Mrs Bantry teaches her witchcraft. Meg is a natural
3rd October 1881
Charles gets the train to Rawblood. Alonso has been away from England for 20 years. He is sick and wants to continue their work
4th October 1881
Charles sees the ghost in his window. He apologises to Alonso for that bad thing he did
6th October 1881
Charles and Alonso start doing some hideous things to rabbits. For science!
7th October 1881
Charles meets Henry and Robert Gilmore
8th October 1881
Charles gets a letter from Mrs Bantry saying Meg is too much of a handful to keep. He really hates thinking about Meg at all. Such a dick
9th October 1881
Henry shows up at Rawblood with a dying Robert. Alonso won’t let anyone in. Charles fixes the kid outside and yells at Alonso. Alonso is high out of his mind
18th October 1881
Charles follows Shakes to Mary Hopewell’s grave. Charles realises he’s being drugged and freaks out
19th October 1881
Charles kills all the bunnies. Alonso admits to drugging Charles to keep the ghost away. Charles diagnoses Alonso as a psychopath and locks himself in his room with the dog
20th October 1881
Charles sees the ghost. The dog dies of fright. Charles and Alonso go to bury the dog. They get high together
Charles and Alonso kiss. Charles leaves Alonso his diary, asking him to take care of Meg. Charles hangs himself. This book buries its gay almost immediately
November 1881
Meg hides from Mr Bantry. He finds her
Meg experiences her brother’s death as it happens (the timing of this is wrong, Catriona. Get a better editor, babe). She offers to guide him to the afterlife. Charles doesn’t deserve Meg even a little
Mr Bantry sexually assaults Meg before Alonso can come save her. So much trauma, so little time
August 1883
Meg walks barefoot from her school in Kent to London to ask Alonso to marry her. He agrees. Fun fact: She’s 18, he’s 42 and was in love with her brother. The book wants me to think Meg/Alonso is endgame and I absolutely refuse
Between 1883 and 1899 Meg has three miscarriages. Heartbreaking
January 1899
Meg realises she’s pregnant for the 4th time. The ghost comes to visit her
Meg is pro-ghost. They devise a plan to make sure this baby survives. Step 1: Meg fucks Robert Gilmore, who is now the butler at Rawblood
August 1899
Meg does some witchcraft with Robert’s hair
Meg sexily nibbles off one of Robert’s toenails for witchcraft purposes. This is the biggest mystery in the book: HOW? How is that sexy? How do you not notice someone is biting off part of your toenail, sexily or otherwise? I demand answers
Meg escapes Rawblood to give birth outside. She gets lost in a storm
Shakes finds Meg in the storm. She leads him to the cave and does magic on the altar
Robert dies
Meg wakes up after giving birth but she’s blind. She holds her daughter, Iris
The ghost is gone. Meg gives Shakes back his sight. He was blind for the Meg arc, literally only for this plot point…
September 1899
Chloe, the maid, is pregnant with Robert’s kid. Meg sends Henry Gilmore money to raise the baby as his own and sends Chloe away to have the baby in secret. Meg gets all psychic and makes Alonso promise to look after Chloe’s baby
October 1899
Chloe gives birth to Tom Gilmore. Meg starts to get her sight back
November 1899
Chloe is getting married. That’s nice, I guess. This is really only to explain the existence of Frank later. Eugh, Frank
December 1899
Meg sees Iris for the first time. Suprise! Iris looks like the ghost. Meg freaks out and bleeds to death. RIP my favourite witch
Chloe gives birth to Frank. No one cares, Frank
Iris Villarca meets Tom Gilmore. Alonso tells Iris that the Villarcas are diseased so she can’t have friends
Iris and Tom save a dying foal. Alonso is mad about it
Tom takes Iris to the magic cave with an altar that lets your loved ones live forever. Iris sees the ghost and freaks out. She’s sick and thinks it’s the disease
Autumn 1913
Alonso tells Iris the disease is actually a ghost that kills their family when they fall in love. Oh and also they get sick if they’re away from Rawblood for too long
Winter 1913
Iris wants to be a doctor and is taking skeleton lessons from Martin Goodman
Iris and Tom get together. Iris goes to tell Alonso and he freaks out and chases her. She accidentally kills him with his opium needle. He gives Iris his mother’s ring and sees the ghost as he dies. Iris gives the ring to Tom and sends him away
Iris is in Earlswood asylum. She bites a mean nurse. They keep her drugged out of her mind. Creepy Martin is here. He’s holding her letters from Tom hostage. Such a piece of shit
Creepy Martin has moved Iris to a private room in the asylum that has serial killer basement vibes. He gives her a bunch of studies about lobotomies. She agrees
Iris has lost any sense of time. She realises she’s actually been lobotomised 3 times. They also sterilised her. Fucking horrific
Tom sends Iris one last letter. He leaves her ring on the altar in the cave
Rawblood burns down. Shakes supposedly dies. He’s like 120 years old at this point and they don’t find the body. Shakes might be eternal
Frank is taken to Earlswood because he lost his leg in the war. He sees Iris on the crazy lady side of the fence
Frank hooks up with Lottie, the nurse, and tells her about his mum
Iris dies. Lottie arranges to have her sent to Tom’s farm. She puts his last letter to Iris in the coffin
Frank is released from hospital but realises his existence is completely pointless so is going to kill himself. Iris hits him over the head and steals his uniform
Lottie finds Frank and tell him about Iris
Iris in a stolen soldier’s uniform, with very spotty memories and Tom’s last letter, is on a train home to Rawblood. She dreams about Charles walking under the cedar tree
Iris gets off the train a stop early to avoid being caught. She dreams of Mary and Alonso lost in the mist
Iris goes to Tom’s house. She dreams of Mary with the hot poker
A coffin is delivered to Tom. He’s devastated. He sees Iris outside. She runs away to Rawblood
Iris attacks the ghost in Rawblood. Surprise! It’s a mirror. She loses it and kills everyone, every time.
Tom digs the grave. He talks to Iris all night
At dawn, Iris slips away. She sees her and Tom in the cave as kids. She sees her mother giving birth to her. She sees the cave, empty, with her ring on the altar
Tom finishes burying Iris. That’s a sad, lonely boy
White light death ending cliche